
Preparing for another year in SPU housing? This list of tips will help you get ready.

Will I be required to live on campus?

除非因政府指导或其他发展而发生任何变化, 你将被要求住在校园里,除非你在学年开始前两年或两年以上从高中毕业. Read the complete Residental Living Requirement 在这里

What will residential density look like in the fall?

赌博十大靠谱软件预计查的密度将保持不变,宿舍的密度将增加,每个房间允许两名学生. 随着需求允许继续减轻COVID-19的风险,空置将分布在整个建筑物中. 

Can I sign up for a triple room?

Yes, we are allowing triples in Arnett and Emerson.

W在这里 am I able to sign up? 如果你在2023年高中毕业,你就有资格获得Hill或Arnett奖学金. 如果你在2023年或更早毕业,你有资格获得爱默生或查. 注意:如果您在您的团队中包括不符合爱默生/查资格的人, 您将无法验证您的组或接收时间段.



How many people can be in a group?

一个小组可以由一到六名成员组成,这取决于他们想要预订的单位类型. A student who wants to reserve a single is a group of one. 所有会员必须1)是归国学生(在校学生或通勤者), 2) be eligible for the desired area, 3)填满他们想要预订的单元的每个空间(e).g. a group of three will only be able to select a three-bed unit).  

What kinds of units are available for sign-up?

A chart of available units can be found at wallstreetware.com/housingsignup. (Click on "可用的单位".)

How are time slots assigned?

: Within each unit type (two-person, three-person, etc.)合资格的组别分为以下类别,然后随机分配一个时段:

  • 每个小组成员的高中毕业年份为2021年或更早.
  • 一个或多个小组成员的高中毕业年份为2022年.

大厅: within each unit type (double, triple, etc.) Eligible groups are randomly assigned a timeslot. 

Time slots are assigned five minutes apart. The first time slot assigned is 12 p.m.; the last time slot will depend on the number of groups (no time slot will be later than 7 p.m.). You may take as much time as you need to select a unit, but every five minutes a new group enters the portal. Time slots are deactivated at 9 a.m. 第二天.

What happens if our group misses out time slot?

如果是同一天,您仍然可以登录到门户以查看可用的选项. Time slots are deactivated at 9 a.m. 第二天.

What if I have a conflict with out group's assigned time slot?

您的小组领导是唯一需要为您的小组做出选择的人. If you are the group leader, email housing@wallstreetware.com 从您的SPU电子邮件帐户切换到另一个人的组长状态. Please do not miss class or work to sign up for housing. 

Is t在这里 a benefit to verifying our group early?

No. 而你想给自己足够的时间在截止日期前核实, 提前验证并不会增加您获得更早时间段的机会. 只有在确定了组的成员后,才应该进行验证. 未经房屋署核实,小组成员不得更改.

What if I select the wrong unit during the reservation process?

一旦你点击 储备床, you will be unable to backtrack and change your selection. 重要的是在你的时间段之前研究你的选择,并在选择过程中仔细选择.


请确定您的团体和单位类型,然后再预订一个单位. 一旦你这样做了,你就把那个单位从你之后进入传送门的所有人的选择中移除. 不允许重新分组或更改单元类型对其他学生不利. If you have an exceptional situation, email housing@wallstreetware.com. 在住房登记结束后,申请将根据具体情况进行评估.  

What are my meal plan options?

New meal plan options have been created to add flexibility. The specifics of each plan can be found 在线.

How do I sign up for a meal plan?

Meal plan selections are made in the portal. 如果你在 给我分配一个单位 跟踪,膳食计划选项页面将在您收到作业后可用. 如果你在 选择单位 跟踪,该页面将在您的组长选择您的单位后可用. 看到 wallstreetware.com/mealplans 浏览计划详情.

W在这里 can I find housing and meal plan rates for next year?


What if I want to live off campus?

Unless you are living with your parents or guardians, 你必须在学年开始前两年或两年以上高中毕业才能住在校外. 不遵守此政策的学生将被罚款,并且在遵守此政策之前不允许注册. 例外情况很少. If you have a situation that warrants special consideration, complete the Residential Living Exemption form in the 房地产门户网站.

What if my roommate is living off-campus spring quarter?



不幸的是,赌博十大靠谱软件不能分配一个学生将不在校园秋季学期. 然而, 你可以试着找另一个只住在秋季的学生, in whose space your friend can return Winter Quarter. 学生们通过在Switchboard上投放广告或通过口口相传来做到这一点.

What if I need to withdraw after our group has reserved a space?

电子邮件 housing@wallstreetware.com from your SPU email account. 取消将导致没收300美元的住房押金(在您第一次申请住房时支付)。. 


联系 住房 to make this request. Our ability to accommodate it will depend on whether we have another student slated to fill the space; t在这里fore, 在你的室友退学的同时提出你的请求是有帮助的.

How do I sign up without a roommate?

如果你希望宿舍为你安排室友,请填写申请表(wallstreetware.com/housingapp),并选择 给我分配一个单位 track (available May 25). 如果你在 6月10日,你将与其他返校或即将入学的学生进行配对,并于 7月15日. (Note: These assignments are made after sign-up is complete; t在这里fore, not all areas may be available. For best choice of units, follow the 选择单位 track.)

What if I want to live with a new student?

Returning students can live with incoming transfer students, 但不包括一年级学生,因为他们只有资格住一年级宿舍. To live with a transfer student, follow the 给我分配一个单位 track and select them in the mutual roommate step.

What if we're a group of three and want a four-person unit?

你有两种选择:1)在选择过程中找第四个人来选择一个四人小组,或者2)遵循 给我分配一个单位 track, request your other two roommates, 在暑期作业过程中,赌博十大靠谱软件会尽力安排你和第四名学生一起完成作业(视情况而定)。.

Resident advisors (RAs)

驻地顾问的职位需要多种技能. Find out more, including how to apply to become an RA.


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Questions about housing or meal plans?

Send questions or comments to housing@wallstreetware.com 或致电206-281-2188.