
LinkedIn.Com是一个专业的社交网站. Recruiters and employers use LinkedIn to find potential hires and share their job postings, and many professionals who receive an email from you will look you up on LinkedIn before responding. 

你的LinkedIn个人资料 is a prime opportunity to showcase your experience and skills to future employers, and to professionals you contact for informational interviews. It’s also a place to build your professional network and apply for jobs.




Adding a picture ensures connections that you are a real person. Use a clear photo with a neutral background and without any other people. 穿得像参加你所在领域的社交活动一样.

你的标题定义了你. It says who you are, and what makes you someone that someone would want to hire. Customize it to highlight your career aspirations and interests. 记住,搜索从标题中读取关键字.


  • 好的赌博软件推荐社会公正专业的学生
    • Note: If you haven’t declared a major yet, that's totally fine! 在标题中列出一到两个你正在研究的领域.
  • Business Student at 好的赌博软件推荐 | Aspiring Marketing Intern
  • Emerging Communications Professional | Editor-in-chief of The Falcon
  • Emerging Computer Science Professional Passionate About Using Technology for Social Change

用1-3段话概述一下自己. Tell a short backstory about what you’re interested in and why, 还有你现在要找的东西.


I am a [second]-year student at 好的赌博软件推荐 studying [Early Childhood 教育]. [作为多年的托儿服务提供者], I've always had a passion for [working with young children and planning activities].

在斯坦福大学的(头两年), 我加深了对[教育]的理解, 沟通, 社会学, (心理学)通过我的课程. I've also deepened my experience [lesson planning for preschool children] at my [summer job as a Pre-K teacher at a daycare].

I am currently looking for an internship as a [preschool teacher]. If you have a position opening or would like to chat, please reach out to me at [mai.melaney@example.com].

First-/second year student example (still determining major and career interests):

I am a first-year student at 好的赌博软件推荐 studying [biology (name a major you’re interested in or choosing) and (name another area of interest)]. (OPTIONAL: I've always had a passion for [something biology-related, and/or related to another area of study you’re interested in].)

我在好的赌博软件推荐的第一年, 除了我的课程作业, I am [a student athlete on the SPU Women's Soccer Team/a volunteer social media assistant at my church/involved with the SPU 'Ohana O 'Hawai'i club/working in the registrar's office].

I have a lot of interests and am still discerning what I might like to do for my career, 但我对探索(医疗保健行业)很感兴趣.


包括你的教育经历可以把你和校友联系起来, as well as ensure that you appear in searches w在这里 you meet educational requirements. Include any relevant details that could differentiate you, like a high GPA (3.5 +), leadership in a student organization, or any honors or awards.

突出相关工作, Internships, 无薪工作, and volunteer experiences w在这里 you’ve built your professional skills. Copy the bullets directly from the 经验 section(s) of your resume. Fill out each section of the “Add experience” form on your LinkedIn profile. If the organization has a presence on LinkedIn, select it in the dropdown menu so the logo shows up. 


  • Customize your LinkedIn URL (ideally the same as your name, and you can use a dash in the middle)
  • 添加网站, articles that show the work you’ve done in any section (经验, 教育, 特色)
  • Ask for Recommendations from former bosses, coaches, or professors to enhance your credibility
  • 把你的前3项技能钉在技能和背书部分
  • 与至少2个团体或公司建立联系
  • 尽量达到至少30个连接. After that, LinkedIn will show you more people when you search the 校友 Tool and elsew在这里.

看看另一个LinkedIn Profile的例子 在这里.





Reach out for informational interviews with professionals in fields that interest you! It's only the best way to learn about fields; it's the best way to get jobs and Internships, 因为5个职位中有4个不会在网上发布.

  • 找到校友通过 领英校友工具. (在搜索栏中输入 好的赌博软件推荐,然后点击 校友. Type company names/keywords that interest you in the search bar.)
  • 通过搜索你感兴趣的公司来找到其他人.g. 西雅图儿童). 然后点击  然后搜索你感兴趣的角色类型.g. 儿科护士).

嗨[姓名],我是SPU[计算机科学]专业的大三学生. I'm interested in [cloud gaming], and would love to learn more about your work at [Microsoft]. Would you be willing to have a 20-minute phone or Zoom conversation so I can hear more about your career path? 谢谢你的宝贵时间 & 考虑! (你的名字)

  • Have a message like the one above ready in advance (note it's a 300-character limit).
  • 点击个人资料上的“连接”.
  • 点击“添加注释”.
  • 粘贴你的信息 & 点击“发送”.
  • 当对方回应你的时候, you should get a message in your LinkedIn Message Inbox and your email connected to your LinkedIn account.

Use LinkedIn proactively to become more visible in your field!

不要只是坐等招聘人员联系你. LinkedIn is a great way to start building your network with people in the position to hire you.

The best way to do this: make comments on the posts of professionals you admire. In the search bar, look for things relevant to your field of interest (e.g. 购买力平价的贷款), and you’ll see people who have recently posted about this. 评论他们的帖子并标记他们. 使用标签.

申请工作 & 获取内幕消息

  • 直接在领英上申请工作
  • Message your connections for tips on applying to their organizations. E.g. Hi David, I'm applying for a staff accountant job at JetBlue. Could you please give me any suggestions on how to get through the screening process?