

Jeffrey Keuss


电子邮件: keussj@wallstreetware.com
电话: 206-281-2442
办公室:  亚历山大 & 阿德莱德407号厅

教育: BA, 好的赌博软件推荐, 1987; MDiv, 富勒神学院, 1995; PhD, 格拉斯哥大学, 2000. 自2005年起在SPU工作.

杰夫·凯斯博士 brings over 30 years of leadership 和 managerial experience in higher education, health care 和 social services administration both in the US 和 UK.   在他作为教授的各种角色中, Director of the University Scholars 荣誉项目 as well as Associate Dean of Graduate Studies at 好的赌博软件推荐, 杰夫继续积极从事研究工作, 筹款, 课程的协调, 主持教师搜索, working with external publics such as accreditation bodies, 获得和保留主要捐助者, 行政人员招聘及年度基金发展.  从他最近的1美元就可以看出.500万美元的拨款 礼来养老 为了发展 主西北, a non-profit research 和 support institute seeking to research innovation models for the sake of engaging millennials, he is motivated to find 和 manage new revenue streams to continue the work of higher education that is both legacy driven yet always future facing.

好的赌博软件推荐任职之前, Jeff served as Senior Lecturer of Practical Theology 和 Director for the Centre of Literature, 神学与艺术 苏格兰的格拉斯哥大学.  In his research 和 directorial oversight of the 格拉斯哥大学 interdisciplinary research center in the Arts, Jeff provided leadership in budget development; grant writing, 以及与英国各地教师的课程协调.  In addition to his teaching in Practical Theology 和 Ethics Jeff also taught 和 researched as an affiliate member of the Postgraduate Medical Faculty of the School of Medicine in Social 和 社区 Medicine leading such courses as Psychosocial 和 Spiritual Care, 精神和姑息治疗, 生命、死亡和灵性.  在他从事高等教育工作之前, Jeff served as Director of Guild 活动 for the Providence Foundation focused on fund development 和 personnel management of mission-based volunteer 和 chaplaincy efforts for 普罗维登斯/瑞典医疗中心, a 409-bed multi-care health institution in the Central District of 西雅图. Achievements during his tenure at Providence include cutting capital expenses, increased net revenue from the Medical Center’s primary major donor campaign, 在一个财政年度内增长30%, 和 developing a successful staff restructuring to better streamline the institutional mission 和 budget priorities.

Dr. Keuss发表过文章, 章, 和 reviews on the interdisciplinary engagement of theology, 部, 和 contemporary culture 和 is on the editorial board for the journal 文学与神学 (牛津大学出版社). 他的著作包括 Freedom of the Self: Kenosis, Cultural Identity  和 Mission at the Crossroads; A Poetics of Jesus: The search for Christ through writing in the nineteenth century;The Sacred 和 the Profane: Contemporary Issues in Hermeneutics. 他在 电影Divinite addressing the role of 电影 studies in theological reflection 和 completed a book on theology 和 流行 music titled Your Neighbor’s Hymnal: What Popular Music Teaches Us 赌博十大靠谱软件 信仰, Hope, 和 Love (Cascade 书, 2011).

教学领域: 青年文化与基督教信仰, 基督教神学, 基督教形成, 传福音和宣教, 青年事工的神学与实践, 人类发展和基督教信仰.

主要研究方向: Theology 和 cultural hermeneutics; continental philosophy 和 theology (Paul Ricœur, 让-吕克·马里恩, Slavoj Žižek); narrative identity formation in youth; Gospel of John; Kenosis; theology through contemporary literature, 电影, 和 music; Zechariah 和 prophetic literature of restoration.


列克星敦图书(罗曼的分部) & 李特佛尔德),2021

Live The Questions: How 搜索ing Shapes Our Convictions 和 Commitments


Life is full of questions: questions about our identity, our relationships, our faith. 有时候,似乎没有简单的答案. But our questioning can lead us on a journey into greater underst和ing 和 purpose.



Today’s blurred youth culture is mobile, connected, 和 wired in. This is a generation that skips over perceived cultural boundaries 和 resists definition. How does one reach a demographic that is so difficult to pin down? Dr. 杰夫Keuss argues a qualitative approach to describing young people is needed, one that recognizes the “blurred” nature of 今天’s mobile youth culture. 当赌博十大靠谱软件学会通过这个新的视角来看待青年文化, we will become better informed 和 better equipped to minister to the teens of 今天’s rapidly changing world.

Your Neighbor’s Hymnal: What Popular Music Teaches Us 赌博十大靠谱软件 信仰, Hope, 和 Love

Wipf 和 Stock, 2011

"Christian 岩石 pioneer Larry Norman once sang, 'Why should the devil have all the good music?在现实中, most of the good music belongs not to the devil but to our neighbor — those that Jesus calls us to love as ourselves. 'Your Neighbor’s Hymnal' is an opportunity to spend some time reflecting on the wide b和width of 流行ular music that our neighbor listens to across the many genres of the FM dial 和 iTunes catalog — jazz, 民间, 流行, 岩石, 电子, 和 others — 和 see that our neighbor is not only listening to the music that many Christians listen to but also listening for the very things that animate the hearts 和 minds of those sitting in the pews on a Sunday morning." (5–6)

Freedom of the Self: Kenosis, Cultural Identity, 和 Mission at the Crossroads


A Poetics of Jesus: The 搜索 for Christ in Nineteenth-Century Writing



  • 电影神界:电影中的宗教、神学和圣经 (SCM出版社,2005).
  • The Sacred 和 the Profane: Contemporary Issues in Hermeneutics (阿什盖特出版社,2003).
请查看 Dr. Keuss的简历 (PDF)查阅其他刊物.



杰夫Keuss, 基督教事工、神学和文化教授

“I teach at SPU because I believe that education can be transformative. 当一个学生遇到一个新想法的时候, 文本, 解读圣经的方式, 一件艺术品, 新的友谊, 在一切真理背后的上帝是恩典的时刻. I believe that this happens at a place like SPU that transforms not only the student but also the community 和 world into which the student is called. 观看神以这样的方式作工是一份奇妙的礼物, 和 I get a ringside seat to these moments as a professor at SPU.”